10 Best Content writing topics for practice

Dibbyyan Nath
9 Min Read

So, you have decided to become a content writer. You know it’s a profitable industry and would like to try your hand at it. But you don’t know where to start? No worries, because I am here to guide you regarding content writing. Let’s delve into some statistics of the blogging industry, which forms the central portion of the content writing industry. It will help you get a better picture.

According to Sorav Jain, a blogging and digital marketing expert, India’s blogging industry is thriving. Around 6.7 million people blog actively on blogging sites and 12 million blogs via social media sites. From the excerpt below, the demographics of this industry have become more lucid,

Blogging Survey

And not only is this industry profitable but it increases your online presence and makes you more visible. So, if you don’t mind getting a little attention then this is definitely the career path for you.

After reading all this, I hope you get a better understanding of the content writing industry in general. Before you begin anything, I advise you to practice writing on a few topics. This will strengthen your grammar, improve your writing skills, make you fluent in the language and improve your thought process because it’s been a while since you have written anything substantial, and your school assignments would hardly count. So, without further ado, I present to you topics on which you can practice writing.

Trendy blog topics
  1. Skincare and beauty is the most trending topic today. Many people desire to have flawless skin, and many beauty gurus preach how to acquire such skin. Many blogs are dedicated to beauty and skincare that approach skincare from a holistic perspective. On this topic, you can give skincare tips and guidelines on beauty. Not much technical knowledge is required and you can first start with home remedies and then add to that.
  2. Health and fitness is an attractive topic as well. More people want to shed their excess body weight and don’t know how to do it. You can offer them tips and guide them in the right direction. A high-quality blog on weight loss and healthy living will be quite popular as awareness regarding health is rising. Again not much technical knowledge is required, but a little research will go a long way.
  3. Book and movie reviews are fun topics that grab everyone’s attention. People would like to know which movies to watch and what books to read. Famous websites like Goodreads do nothing but critique the books that are launched. They are considered the authority on books even though they don’t sell any. Writing relevant and good reviews can also increase your blog’s ranking on a search result page.
  4. Fashion is a dynamic field, and writing about it is fun. Fashion blogging helps in driving a lot of traffic to your website. This is one niche that is always trending as everyone wants to look their best, and if you have some excellent advice and tips to give why not write about it and make a name for yourself.
  5. Now, if you have a lot of experience in business and want to talk about it you can open a blog dedicated to the same. You can write about your experiences relating to a particular industry and give newcomers life lessons that will certainly be appreciated.
  6. How-to tutorials are also interesting topics. Not many people would know how to do certain things and if you have the expertise why not write about it and share it? This will help many people, and your knowledge of the subject is also enhanced.
  7. Life hacks are the ‘in’ thing currently. Most people would prefer easy and simple life hacks that will give the required results in the least amount of time, increasing their productivity. These life hacks don’t have to be complicated, and if you know some of them you can always write about them. This can help people to improve their daily routines, reduce hassles, save money, waste less time, etc.
  8. Travel blogs are trendy. People write about their traveling experiences and find many readers. So, if you have traveled anywhere, you can start writing about it and capture all the tiny details and nuances like the culture, customs and food of the country or place you visited. This makes for quite an exciting read and encourages your readers to travel and accept people with different traditions and cultures.
  9. Sports is also a perfect choice. A lot of people are addicted to sports. Cricket and hockey capture the imagination of the entire country. Writing interesting pieces on this topic and giving excellent insights will catapult your blog to fame.
  10. Politics is another exciting choice you can write on. You can detail the changes happening in the country, from political campaigns to policies of the ruling government, or write on global politics. It is better to do a lot of research before you write anything. There are a lot of takers for political news, and you can always cater to them.

Please note this list is not exhaustive but a mere suggestion that I have compiled. You are free to follow your passions and write on something outside of this list. But certain things need to be kept in mind when practicing writing.

Give it a perfect title so that you capture your audience instantly. The title length is also significant, and Google recommends 50-60 characters if you wish to make it on a search result page.

Keep your audience in mind when you are writing. You should constantly think of giving them something of value. That way, you will produce high-quality content.

Target multiple keywords. Use keywords or phrases that are commonly related to the topic you are writing on. Google puts a lot of emphasis on keywords. It also helps in ranking better on SERP.

Last but not least, think about the format you are writing. Improve the readability of your post or blog by using a simple structure. Use bullet points, subheadings, and numbered lists wherever possible so that readers can easily skim your work. Have short paragraphs and break up long paragraphs with line spacing.

Final Thoughts

As discussed, content writing topics for practice are not limited to the list I have mentioned above. It also depends on your interests and passions. The internet is a busy place, and you will find readers with varied interests, so any topic you write on will find takers. But it is always beneficial to write on trending topics.
‘Practice makes permanence’ is a famous quote by the legendary rugby coach Larry Gelwix. Here he means that the more you practice, the more you become better at something, even if it’s entirely out of your comfort zone. In the same way, keep practicing writing on different topics, and I am sure you will become an expert despite having no experience.

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Dibbyyan Nath is a well-known entrepreneur, philanthropist, and the Chief Creative Officer of Inteliqo Research and Services. Mr. Nath, over the past two decades, has donned a lot of hats, while writing has remained his first love. Now he aims to express his experiences, as the head of a digital marketing, content creating, and website development company, through his love for writing. To keep up with the young entrepreneur and his thoughts
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